With Ole Qvist-Sørensen as the anchorman, we have been working on putting together the history of the UN Climate Change Conferences, The environmental reason why we are here at COP15, the two negotiation tracks, the different negotiating block (EU, the Umbrella Group, G77 + China etc.), the issues there will be discussed, the obstacles, WWF's priorities and the possible outcome.
Ole and Stine Explains what we are doing here
and Ole Qvist-Sørensen from Bigger Picture explains how he sees the bigger picture of the COP15 here
To read more about WWF, Bigger Picture and our work during the UN Climate Change Conference COP15, please check the COP15 Visualised website here
by the way it's Bjørn Lomborg 'The Sceptic Environmentalist' thats being interviewed in the forground .. and me an Thomas Thorhauge drawing on the mural in the mural in the back.
Thanks for reading