I did some illustrations of fable creatures from danish folklore for an historical exhibition opening june 5th. at Sydvestsjællands Museum in Sorø. I did illustrations of the gnome, the werewolf/nightmare, the elfs and the ghost rider King Vold. I had to read through a bunch of old text in order to figure out how the creatures should look....'cause the museum didn't want me to go for the Hollywood version.
If you want to give birth to a varewolf, you should crawl through a dried and stretched placenta from a horse at fullmoon and call upon the devil.....then you will get a varewolf kid, if its a boy, and a (night)mare if its a girl.
A werewolf can get cured if he rips out a fetus from a pregnant womb at fullmoon...that'll free him!
For the the (nightmare)girl less bloody actions can cure her...as soon as she has passes through the keyhole in order to ride some young innocent man (having no wet dreams...what so ever!), jam the keyhole so she can't escape..and at dawn when the daylight hits her skin she will transform into a human..