Back in Bob Kato's Drawing Club for the first time in seven years.
Bob Kato, my Sketching for Illustration instructor from Art Center College of Design started up The Drawing Club back in 2002, my second and last year at Artcenter. Almost every thursday for a year I attended this workshop that Bob hosted outside the school, and were able to sharpen my observational skills as well as my character developing skills. I have drawn various charaters: naughty school girl, detective, boxer, silent movie actor, fashion model, beer maiden and spy, just to mention a few. Here are some of my drawings from back then.
The pure environment at the drawing club, the setting, Bob enthusiasm and drive and the input and feedback from the other artist at The Drawing Club such as: Forrest Card, Jeffrey Smith, John Puglisi, Danelle Davenport, Andrew Foster, Frank Stockton, Josh Cochran, Ronald Kurniawan and Ronald Velasco was priceless and pushed me to progress as an artist..... Thank you guys!
During my trip back I was lucky to meet with Bob Kato, Jeffrey Smith and David Luce, probably the three most important teachers I have had .... and just being able to join The Drawing Club (the special edition) at the Langham Hotel where the ICON6 was held, was fantastic and made me realise how much I have missed it! Thanks to Danielle for posing...amazing as the posh fashion model as always!
a special thanks to Bob for planning a The Drawing Club evening, and thanks to Bob, Jeff and David for you company and inspiration, I appreciate it
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