Thursday, May 31, 2012

baby shower card for my nephew

Gouache on black cardboard for my nephews baby shower ..... his parents sing him a lullaby which is about a young elephant, so now I have painted him a picture of how such a guy looks like.

Killer Pigs: the not so hostile one..

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

You get one shot, don't miss or else.....

From the comming horror book "Killerpigs/ Dræbersvin" by author Morten Dürr. ..... The book is kinda of a modernday mix-up of: Alfred Hitchcock "The Birds"- (with pigs instead of birds!)+ George Orwell "Animal Farm - (gone really bad!)"+ The Documentaryfilm "Food Inc" + general fear of food additives and steroids.... a great mixture that can be read in the fall!

Monday, May 7, 2012

A strict financial diet

Signing the Euro Pact means: that countries that spends too much and exceeds their statebudget with more than 0,5 % of their GNP, gets a huge fine from the EU (0,1% of their GNP).... so if you are going to spend more money than you have in your state budget, be ready to spend even more, in order to pay the fine.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A card to go with a present

Yesterday I was invited to a Confirmation celebration, and did this watercoler illustration on the card that went with the present.